Ashlie Behm


Hygiene & Baby Photography

Newborn Baby wrapped in white swaddle Portland newborn photography

With the inundation of reports about COVID-19 in the media, along with events and school closures happening all around us. I want to take a moment to reassure you that I take your family’s health and well-being very seriously. 

While older people and those with pre-existing medical conditions (such as diabetes, asthma and heart disease) are more vulnerable to becoming severely ill with COVID-19, the virus can infect people of all ages. Newborns and pregnant women are always considered at risk and therefore we must collectively protect each other.

I want to reassure all of my clients that I always follow good hygiene practices to keep you and your children safe. I think about this at all times, not just during serious outbreaks. 

Protecting you and your family is important to me, so I want to highlight my sanitary practices.

  1. Directly before every session I do a thorough hand washing with soap and water. As well as throughout the session, if needed. I have hand sanitizer within reach that I use often throughout newborn sessions. You are also welcome to use the sanitizer as often as you would like.
  2. I clean my home and studio space regularly. Especially during this time, I am wiping down all surfaces with disinfectant after each session. As always, any surface that comes into contact with a client is thoroughly washed and/or sanitized. I always wash fabrics and outfits after every session. 
  3. At this time, there are no plans for in-studio mini sessions or any scenario where 2 families will be in the studio at the same time. This allows for the thorough cleaning, and reduced contact with other people for your newborn baby or young child. 
  4. For all outdoor sessions I will ask everyone to use hand sanitizer before we begin our session. Please see below for details on what to do if someone in your family is sick prior to our session. 
  5. I personally am doing my best to stay informed about the virus and steps for prevention through reputable and informed sources like the World Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention
  6. In my personal daily life I am staying mindful and doing my best to follow prevention guidelines. 

That being said, I also want to remind all clients to please reschedule if you or any members of your family are sick, feeling unwell and/or have a fever. Individuals should be fever-free for at least 24 hours without the aid of medications such as Tylenol or Advil. Give me a call if you or any of your family members are feeling ill. We will find a time to reschedule your session once everyone is feeling better.

I know I say newborn photos are best between 5-10 days old. But if it comes to it and we need to reschedule your newborn session. Have no fear, we can still create beautiful images of your baby even if they are a bit older. It is much more important that you and your family stay healthy. 

If myself or anyone in my family gets sick, I will reach out to you as soon as possible to discuss rescheduling your session. My studio is in my home and while I am cleaning and disinfecting regularly. If anyone in my home gets sick I will follow all protocols to limit the spread of disease. And will reschedule any session until my household is clear. This might mean I refer you to another photographer, if it comes to it.

In the meantime, please take care of you and yours and rest assured knowing I am doing the same.

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